Children have an amazing capacity to memorize. When I realized that my two-year-old was quoting entire story books simply because we had read them over and over again, I decided that I needed to be intentional about filling her mind with good, true, and beautiful things, not just protecting her …
Practical Tips
Simple Lunch Ideas for Toddlers
Toddlers can be extremely picky eaters and it can be a challenge to figure out what to feed them that will also provide them with the nutrition that they need. While it can be normal for toddlers to go through phases of liking or disliking foods, and they will have …
Why We Give Ourselves a Day of Rest on Sundays
In a culture overwrought with noise, full schedules, activities, constant input, and ever-looming to-do lists, the idea of rest may seem very foreign, much less impossible. I have learned, however, in my own home and family, that making time and space for rest and quiet is essential and that I …
25+ Best Travel Toys for Toddlers
Considering traveling with your baby or toddler? Totally overwhelmed by the thought of what to pack, how to keep them busy, what to feed them? You’re in the right place! The thought of traveling alone is overwhelming at times, not to mention adding small children into the mix. However, you …