Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays and I love to read picture books that help us remember and celebrate the day. Gratitude is such a valuable and beautiful characteristic in the life of anyone and I believe that is is so important that we start teaching children to be …
Best Christmas Gifts for Toddler Girls
Christmas is just around the corner – have you made your lists yet? It can be both fun and challenging to find Christmas gifts each year, but with a little thought and time, you’ll be well-prepared. In this blog post I hope to give you some ideas to get you …
Thanksgiving Activity Pages for Preschoolers
Pilgrim hats, corn husks, pumpkin pie, Native Americans – do these words have images of Thanksgiving days gone by popping into your mind? The holiday season is just around the corner and that means it’s time to start thinking about Thanksgiving books and activities to help your toddlers and preschoolers …
Thanksgiving Placemat Craft for Toddlers + FREE Printable
Now that we are firmly in the fall season, it’s time to start thinking about the holidays coming up. This will be the beginning of a series of posts on both Thanksgiving and Christmas – crafts, activities, book lists, freebies, gift ideas…all the things to help you have peaceful and …
Christmas Scripture Memory Cards for Children
Children have an amazing capacity to memorize. When I realized that my two-year-old was quoting entire story books simply because we had read them over and over again, I decided that I needed to be intentional about filling her mind with good, true, and beautiful things, not just protecting her …
Best Bedtime Books for Toddlers
Are you tired of the bedtime chaos and ready to implement a bedtime routine that will bring joy and peace to your home? Enter the bedtime storybook and read-aloud time. This little rhythm has become a non-negotiable in our home and it is the sweetest part of our day. In …
Simple Lunch Ideas for Toddlers
Toddlers can be extremely picky eaters and it can be a challenge to figure out what to feed them that will also provide them with the nutrition that they need. While it can be normal for toddlers to go through phases of liking or disliking foods, and they will have …
Favorite 2nd Birthday Party Ideas for Toddler Girls
Tired of coming up blank on birthday party ideas for your little girl? If you’re feeling like all the birthday party ideas for a two-year-old girl are the same, look no further than this comprehensive blog post that will give you ideas for themes and help you narrow down decor, …