Favorite Books for Mamas
Books have incredible potential to inform our thinking, shape our hearts, and give us practical help. I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite books for mamas on the topics of motherhood, spiritual life, and homemaking.
This is by no means a complete list, just some of my favorites that I have read and re-read over the years. If you have a favorite not on this list, I’d love it if you would drop me a message and let me know. I always enjoying finding and reading new books. Find all the books linked here.
You might also enjoy this blog post about flourishing in motherhood or this one about finding rest amidst the busyness of motherhood.
For spiritual health
If you are a christian, then you know and understand that the Bible is the MOST important book for giving life and encouragement to our hearts. No other book can fill its place, however, these are a few that have encouraged me and pushed me to know my Bible better.
The Well Watered Woman
Everyday chaos often leaves us as mamas feeling overwhelmed, dried up, and discouraged. Gretchen leads you to Jesus, the Well of Water, showing you it is possible to flourish no matter what.
These short devotionals accompanied by beautiful watercolor paintings will focus your heart on truth and remind you of the character of your God.
Growing Grateful
Thankfulness changes perspective and the secret to peace and contentment can be found in developing a habit of gratitude. These short meditations will help you do just that by giving you specific things to be grateful for today.
Pray Confidently and Consistently
Pray Confidently and Consistently asks the hard questions about prayer and gives specific, practical tips to praying with confidence and consistency.
Fervent: A Woman’s Battle Plan to Serious, Specific, and Strategic Prayer
Bold and powerful, this book will challenge your prayer life and show you how to pray strategically and specifically for your family and friends.
For encouragement in motherhood
The Mission of Motherhood
Anything that Sally Clarkson writes is gold and this book is no exception. With skill and grace she lays out a case for the most important work you will ever do- mothering your children. You will be encouraged, challenged, and inspired in your calling as a mom.
Hard is Not the Same Thing as Bad
Motherhood is hard, but it’s not all bad. If you’ve become discouraged by the challenges of motherhood, this book will challenge and encourage you to shift your perspective and look for the good even in the midst of the hard.
M is for Mama
One of the most impactful books I have read on motherhood, Abbie encourages mamas to fight against the lies of our culture and embrace the high and holy calling of motherhood.
For your marriage
The Flirtation Experiment
Whether you have been married for a few months or years, you will find encouragement, inspiration, and practical ideas to pursue your spouse and put a spark back in your marriage.
For your home
The Life Giving Home
This is one of my favorite books, hands down. It is full of encouragement and practical ideas to create a warm and life giving home. Since there is a chapter that corresponds to each month of the year, I like to read a chapter each month for fresh encouragement and inspiration in homemaking.
Habits of the Household
One of the most thought provoking books I have read about habits, this book will encourage and challenge you to consider the habits of your home, intentional or not, and how they are impacting the culture of your home and family.
The Turquoise Table
A book about hospitality – to strangers! Connection builds community and you will be encouraged to make a difference in the lives of your friends and neighbors right where you live.
For strengthening your faith
Becoming Elisabeth Elliot
Elisabeth has been one of my spiritual heroes for a long time and the story of her life was absolutely captivating.
For homeschooling
At the date of this writing, I only have a preschooler so I’m sure I will be adding to this list as time goes on. These are just a few that have been thought provoking for early learners.
The Enchanted Hour
I was already a fan of reading aloud picture books, but this book confirmed the beauty and benefits of reading aloud with children.With neuroscience and behavioral research to back it, the author skillfully weaves a case for the cognitive and social-emotional benefits of reading aloud.
Awaking Wonder
Sally Clarkson works her magic again showing you how to cultivate wonder and a love of learning into the hearts and lives of your children.
I hope you’ve found something new to add to your reading list. If you do decide to read any of these, I’d love to know what you think and how they encouraged you. All my favorites linked here.
*Some of these are affiliate links which just means that I earn a small commission when you make a purchase at no extra cost to you.
Related: You Were Created to Flourish; Finding Rest in Motherhood; Favorite Picture Books