10 Tips for Helping Children Sleep Through the Night
We’ve all been there. Those nights where we are up multiple times with a child and then we feel so drained and exhausted the next morning. While it is one kind of exhaustion to be up with a newborn baby several times a night, having a toddler up 2-3 times a night, especially when that toddler had previously been sleeping through the night, is a whole different ball game.
We have been working through some sleep struggles with our 3-year-old and I thought I would share the things that we have been doing to help her sleep through the night. This blog post will summarize the things that we are doing and the supplements that we are using to help our little one sleep through the night.
First, we are very intentional about her diet; we limit sugar and ensure she is getting enough protein, especially in the evening. Protein helps to regulate blood sugar and keeps tummies full, so getting enough protein in the evening helps prevent middle-of-the-night wakings from hunger. This one has been KEY for us.
Secondly, create a calm and peaceful bedtime routine. This may seem impossible, but create a rhythm and routine that works for you and your family. Knowing the routine will keep your child from feeling surprised when its bedtime, hopefully helping to eliminate meltdowns. In addition, doing calming things together right before bed will help your child to wind down and relax before sleep. In our home this look like putting on pajamas about 30 minutes before bed and then reading 2-3 books together before making our final bathroom stop. We always tuck our girlie into bed and sing and pray with her before kissing her goodnight.
Thirdly, we have a few supplements that we use and have found to be really helpful in promoting restful sleep.
- Earthley’s Goodnight Lotion is my all -time favorite product. Magnesium is a crucial mineral that your body uses to promote restful sleep, relax muscles, balance blood sugar, support the gut, and so much more. We use this goodnight lotion every single night and truly notice a difference in our sleep when we use it.
- Earthley’s Sleepy Time is a blend of sleep promoting herbs that is not habit-forming, but promotes restful sleep. This is another one that our whole family uses. I do not use this one every night, but use it when we are traveling or have other disruptions to our schedule or sleep patterns.
- Boiron Sleep Calm Kids is a homeopathic remedy that will help promote calm, restful sleep. This is another that I use for travel and acute support and find it very helpful.
- Mary Ruth’s Nighttime Multimineral is a liquid mineral supplement full of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs for a goodnight’s sleep.
- Tart Cherry Juice contains melatonin and can help to regulate your body’s sleep patterns. I like to mix the cherry juice with the multimineral and give both together.
- Epsom salt baths are another great way to promote calm and relaxation for a goodnight’s sleep.
We also pray purposefully and intentionally for good sleep and rest. This is always helpful, but especially if you suspect that sleep troubles may be related to an underlying fear or emotional disturbance it can be calming and assuring to remind your child that Jesus loves them and is always present with them.
Lastly, we started giving our daughter a penny for every night she stayed in her bed all night long. After she earned 5 pennies she could trade her pennies for a piece of candy. This proved a good-motivator to help her stay in bed.
If you’re in a season of waking multiple times a night with a child, know that it is not forever and just because it is very hard, doesn’t make it a bad thing. I hope this blog post will be a helpful starting place to find sweet, restful sleep.
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